Source code for config

import os
import json
import logging
import inspect
import ConfigParser

#: Configuration constants for classification toolbox
    'general'           : {'model_type' : 'LR',
                           'model_dataset' : '',
                           'colorspace' : 'rgb',
                           'class_aggregation' : ''},
    'segmentation'      : {'enabled' : True,
                           'method' : 'slic',
                           'method_params' : {},
                           'remove_disjoint' : True,
                           'extract_contours' : False},
    'channels'          : {'enabled' : True,
                           'methods' : ['gabor',
                           'methods_params' : {'frequencies' : [0.05, 0.15, 0.25],
                                               'thetas' : [0.0, 0.785, 1.571, 2.356],
                                               'sigmas' : [1, 8, 15]}},
    'features'          : {'enabled' : True,
                           'feature_blocks' : 'all',
                           'blocks_params' : {}},
    'relative_location' : {'enabled' : False,
                           'n' : 100,
                           'sigma' : 2},
    'partition'         : {'enabled' : True,
                           'n_partitions' : 5,
                           'frac_validation' : 0.0,
                           'frac_test' : 0.25,
                           'force_split' : False},
    'training'          : {'partitions' : 'all'},
    'score'             : {},
    'regularization'    : {'partition' : 0,
                           'C' : [0.1, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0]}

[docs]def read_config(cfgfile, defaults=CLASSIFICATION_DEFAULTS): '''Read configuration file and update default settings''' if not cfgfile or not os.path.exists(cfgfile): return None settings = defaults.copy() cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() for section, options in settings.iteritems(): if cfg.has_section(section): for option, value in options.iteritems(): if cfg.has_option(section, option): if type(value) is int: value = cfg.getint(section, option) elif type(value) is float: value = cfg.getfloat(section, option) elif type(value) is bool: value = cfg.getboolean(section, option) elif type(value) in [list, dict]: value = json.loads(cfg.get(section, option)) else: value = cfg.get(section, option) settings[section][option] = value settings = _parse_references(settings) return settings
[docs]def write_config(cfgfile, defaults=CLASSIFICATION_DEFAULTS): '''Write configuration file''' cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() for section, options in defaults.iteritems(): cfg.add_section(section) for option, value in options.iteritems(): if type(value) in [list, dict]: cfg.set(section, option, json.dumps(value)) else: cfg.set(section, option, str(value)) with open(cfgfile, 'wb') as fp: cfg.write(fp)
[docs]def parse_config(sections=[]): '''Wrapper for parsing config file for specific function call''' def wrapper(f): def parse(*args, **kwargs): if kwargs.has_key('cfg'): if 'cfg' in inspect.getargspec(f).args: kwargs.update(get_function_args(f, kwargs['cfg'], sections)) else: name = getattr(f, '__name__') logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.warn('Function does nog support config argument. Ignored. [%s]' % name) del kwargs['cfg'] return f(*args, **kwargs) return parse return wrapper
[docs]def get_function_args(fcn, cfg, sections=[]): '''Get relevant function arguments given a configuration file''' args = {} if not cfg: return args if not type(sections) is list: sections = [sections] if not 'general' in sections: sections.append('general') names = inspect.getargspec(fcn).args for section in sections: if cfg[section].has_key('enabled'): if section in names: args[section] = cfg[section]['enabled'] for arg in names: if cfg[section].has_key(arg): args[arg] = cfg[section][arg] return args
def _parse_references(settings): '''Parse specific settings in configuration file''' if settings: if settings['general'].has_key('class_aggregation'): fname = settings['general']['class_aggregation'] if os.path.exists(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as fp: settings['general']['class_aggregation'] = json.load(fp) else: settings['general']['class_aggregation'] = None return settings if __name__ == '__main__': write_config('example.cfg')